We've released a lot of great features over the last several months. Please read below to see a roundup of some of what's been new at Harvey!
Please note that not all features may be applicable to all customers.
Harvey 2Q 2024 product updates at a glance
Library: Save and load prompts as well as create and customize examples specifically tailored for your team.
Assistant updates and improvements: Expanded document handling now supports clickable references with highlights in docx files, and exporting Assistant answers with or without in-line citations. The enhanced user interface features a top panel, a 'reset' button, and resizable panels for a more personalized and streamlined experience.
Client Matter #: Users are able to associate Client Matter #s with queries in Harvey, allowing for client-based tracking and enforcing AI use policies, and ensuring Harvey's usage is accurately tied to client-specific work.
Redlines updates: Advanced, automated issues list generation and topic analysis for an efficient document review process.
Translations updates: Formatting maintained upon export of a Translation.
Vault: Launched in Alpha. Upload hundreds of documents to a Harvey workspace and perform sophisticated analysis across them with Harvey's AI models.
Admin management
Admins can create new prompts and examples for the workspace, as well as manage the set of default prompts and examples that Harvey provides.
Each prompt and example can be tagged with a Category and Practice Area, and examples can also have an optional Document type tag.
Admins can re-tag all of the default prompts and examples provided by Harvey, or even choose to hide any item.
Private prompt saving
Individual non-admin users can save their own prompts to their own private Library, to help them quickly save and load their favorite prompts.
Prompts saved to a user’s private library will not be viewable by anyone else.
Please see the attached documents for our Library overview and FAQ, steps for successfully using Library in your firm, and user guide for saving and loading private prompts.
Assistant updates and improvements
Enhanced interaction with docx documents: Click on references and view relevant highlights on docx files directly in Assistant.
Flexible export options: Export answers from Assistant with or without in-line citations.
Enhanced customization and functionality: Users can resize answer and document panels in Assistant, with Harvey remembering the last set dimensions and a double-click to reset; the revamped top panel includes a header and action buttons, and a 'reset' button clears queries, documents, and answers.
Client Matter #
If you are interested in enabling Client Matter # for your team, please reach out to your Harvey Customer Success representative.
Client Matter # association: This feature allows users to associate a Client Matter # with their queries. This will enable users and admins to tie Harvey usage to a specific client.
Enforcing AI use policies with Client Matter #: Admins are also able to require that all user queries have an associated Client Matter # in order to enforce policies around AI use for a specific set of clients. This ensures that the use of Harvey is directly linked to client work.
Redlines updates
Issues list generation: Issues list generation has been added to the Redlines Analysis Workflow.
Customized analysis: Users can choose issues for Harvey to focus on in a redline and Harvey will produce a tailored issues list.
- For example: for a redlined merger agreement, issues could be “Reverse Termination Fee,” “Indebtedness,” “Confidentiality”
Efficient topic extraction with "Auto Generate": Users can click the "Auto Generate" button to have Harvey automatically identify issues in a redline and draft an issues list.
Translation updates
Formatting of a docx file is now maintained upon export of a translation generated by Harvey.
Note that some minor formatting, such as bold or italics, is not maintained.
Vault alpha
Vault allows you to upload hundreds of documents to a Harvey workspace and perform sophisticated analysis across them with Harvey's AI models. Vault is ideal for diligence datarooms, litigation discovery, and any workflow requiring review of very large document sets.
If you would like to learn more about Vault, please reach out to your Harvey Customer Success representative.
We have also attached a PDF document providing an overview of all releases and updates made to Harvey in 2Q 2024.
We hope these changes will help you and your team continue to get the most value out of Harvey. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Harvey Customer Success representative to learn more about any of the features or updates mentioned above.