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Admin Settings

An overview of the Admin Settings page in Harvey.

Updated yesterday


As an Admin, you have access to advanced features allowing you to customize your firm's workspace, pull query data, and more.

Note: Depending on your workspace configuration, you may or may not have Admin access to the features below.

Accessing Admin Settings

To access these features:

  1. Navigate to Settings in the bottom left corner of Harvey.

  2. Click into the Settings and/or Admin sections.

This view will show you the following information about your workspace:

  • Workspace name

  • Connection name: Your workspace's login connection. Depending on your setup, your workspace could be connected with SSO or use our passwordless authentication, which will appear as Username-Password-Authentication.

  • Domains: The domains that have access to your workspace. Any domains not listed cannot be added to your workspace.

Note: This information cannot be edited by an Admin. For any inquiries or questions regarding this information, please contact [email protected].

Client Matters

Client matter numbers are used to organize and track work related to specific clients and matters. They help in billing, managing case files, and ensuring that all activities and expenses are accurately recorded for each client and case.

While using Harvey, you may need to view, edit, or upload your client matter numbers in bulk. This can be done from the Client matter section in Settings.

Viewing and Editing Client Matter Numbers

As an Admin, you can see all client matter numbers in your workspace, along with the number of queries and users for each one. You can edit the name and description, as well as delete any client matter number.

Adding Client Matters

In addition to adding Client matter numbers individually, Admins can also add client matters in bulk via our CSV uploader. If permitted by their Admin (see below), non-admin users can create single client matter numbers using the modal below but will not have the option to bulk upload client matter numbers.

Additional Settings

At the bottom of the Client Matters page, Admins have control over additional features.

  • Do not allow users to submit a query without a client matter selected: Toggling this on/off will affect all users in your workspace.

  • Do not allow users to add, edit or delete client matters: Toggling this on/off will affect all non-Admin users in your workspace.

Usage Dashboard

There are two reports available to Admins, which can be found by navigating to the Usage section in Settings.

Unique users: calculated from submitted queries. All queries, including deleted ones, are tallied over the selected time period and grouped by username to determine the unique user count.

Queries processed: queries submitted over the selected time period. Utilize the 'Total Queries Processed' menu to filter queries based on a specific Harvey feature.

Each report can be customized in the top right of each graph to show daily, monthly, or yearly data.

Exporting Usage

Export your desired period of usage into a CSV file by clicking the 'Export Usage' button in the top right corner.

The usage exports will use your current timezone to coordinate the time of export with the dates selected. If you would like to export your usage in UTC to standardize the export among team members, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.

Note: The ability to export feedback on your queries is not included in all Harvey workspaces. However, if you are able to, this will be exported in the Usage export.

Managing Users

You can add and export users in your workspace by clicking on 'Users' in the Admin Settings page.

Note: Adding users is only available to workspaces using a passwordless connection.

Add Users

To add users individually or in bulk:

  1. Click the 'Add Users' button

  2. Enter up to 100 email addresses in the text box, one per line.

Note: When adding users they will not be notified, but will have access to Harvey next time they attempt to log in.

Export User List

By selecting the 'Export users' button in the top right corner, you can export all users in your workspace to a CSV file with two columns: email and date created.

Workspace History

As an Admin, view and export workspace history by clicking the Workspace History section on the Settings page.

Viewing Workspace History

You can group, filter, and apply a date parameter to your data.

Exporting Workspace History

Click the 'Export' button in the top right corner of the Workspace History page. You can export the last 30 days of your workspace history or a filtered history, which will reflect the date parameters and filters applied.

For further assistance, please contact [email protected]

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